You can send messages related to a particular exam to various roles within the system (e.g., Exams Department, Support, etc.).

Here's how to do it:

1. Finding the relevant exam

Sometimes, the exam you're looking for is in a status that is not visible to you except in the "All Exams" status.

 To locate the exam, go to the "All Exams" view, where all the exams will be displayed:

You can use the filters at the top of the table to narrow down your search and find the specific exam.

2. Selecting the exam: Click on the padlock icon to mark the exam you'll perform the task.

3. Navigate to the "Messages" tab. Access the side panel (if it's hidden, click on the three white dots next to the exam table).

4. Choose the recipients from the options provided

Avoid selecting "All" to ensure the message is directed only to relevant recipients

5. Compose your message in the designated area.

6. Once you've finished crafting your message, click the "SEND" button.