- The TomaBank bank of exams and questions is a complete solution for creating, storing and sharing a pool of exams and questions simply and quickly. 


The screen structure

(click the image to magnify)

(1) Switching to other systems: TomaGrade, TomaSafe

(2) User information and exiting the system, (3) changing language, (4) entering the support portal (5) search options (6) browsing in bank (7) filtering options (8) creating new entities: question, examination, folder (9), content of the bank


Entities may be filtered using a number of criteria. To filter, click the desired filtering, mark the desired values and click OK. To undo the filter and return to the list of all entities, click Clear.


The bank has two types of search: an ordinary search and an advanced search.

For the ordinary search, click the magnifying glass, enter the search word and click the magnifying glass beside the search word. The system will display all entities that contain the search word in the entity name.

In an advanced search, you can use an existing query or create a new one.

Creating a new query:
Click “New Query”, click magnifying glass, enter a name for the query (for reuse), select the search criteria (more than one may be chosen) and click Search.

A demonstration video appears below

To use an existing query, click Select query 

Creating a new folder

To create a new folder, in which questions and exams may be saved, click the New button, select the folder option, type the name of the folder and click Save. The folder will be created in my drive.

To create sub-folders, first enter the parent folder and create a new folder inside it

Creating a new question

In the bank, new questions may be created, existing ones edited and may be used for different tests.

To create a new question, click the New button, select the Question option.
The system will automatically take you to the exam editor. In the exam editor, you can create closed questions, open-ended questions, true/false questions and open-ended questions with sections.

For a detailed explanation on using the exam editor, click here

Editing a new question

To edit a question, mark the question and click the edit button. The edit window will open in the exam editor.
After finishing the editing, click OK.

Attention! When a question is edited in the system, the question will change in all instances in which it exists as part of an exam

Additionally, on the right side of the screen, under the "Info" tab, we can view the question details, such as the question type, its owner, the last edit date, and the exams it was recently included in—along with a timeline display.

Exam creation

The bank allows you to create an exam in 3 ways.
1. Creating an exam in the exam editor (like creating a question)

2. Creating an exam by loading a Word file into the exam editor

3. Creating a new exam based on importing an existing exam or questions from the bank

 To create a new exam, click the New button and select the Exam option.

The exam editor opens.

  • To create an exam in the editor, click the green + (1) to create a question.
    For further information on creating questions, click here

  • To load a Word file, click the Import button and select the Import from file option (2)
    For details on loading a Word file, click here

  • To load an exam / questions from the bank, click the Import button and select the Import from bank option (3)

In the window that opens, you can run a search for questions and filter questions by various parameters.
To upload the selected questions into the new exam, click import.

Renaming an exam

Renaming an exam is done from the exam editor.
In the exam editor, click the Settings button (cog wheel) and in the window that opens, type in the name of the exam. The selected name will be updated in the bank.

Exam duplication

An exam is duplicated from the bank through the vault in a number of stages.

1. Create a new exam in the editor

2. In the exam editor, access the floating menu and import the test you wish to duplicate from the bank

3. Rename the exam (by clicking the cog wheel and giving a new name)

Attention! Editing an existing exam from the bank in the editor without creating a new exam beforehand will result in modifying the original exam and a copy will not be created

What is expected to happen soon:

Saving of version - soon, after each modification and saving of an existing exam in the bank, a new version of the exam will be saved without overrunning the previous exam.