This guide will show how the checked exam notebook looks like to the student

The contents of the checked file

The file will be published in PDF format when compiled:

-  Feedback report for the student (will appear in all types of exams)

-  Introduction, if one is written (it will appear in online exams only)

-  Closed questions, if the exam contains such (in online exams only) 

-  Open questions (will appear in all types of exams) 

What is exposed to the student

In online exams, the institution will be able to define a level of exposure for each exam - whether to show the whole thing or only certain parts (such as showing a feedback report only, or a feedback report and open questions only, etc.) or not at all.

Details of the exam parts

An important note regarding online exams in which a mix of questions and/or answers to closed questions has been defined: the mix will be performed during the exam execution phase, at the end of which the order of the questions and answers returns to the original order before the mix and thus it goes to the grading system (TomaGrade). In the summary form for the student, the questions will appear in the original order only and mixed answers marks will appear in relation to the original questionnaire and not in the order in which they were presented to the student during the exam.

1. Student feedback report

The feedback report will show the grades the student received for each question, information on a 

factor if given and the final grade for the exam:

1. The number of the question according to its position in this exam form.

2. The number of the question according to its position in the source form.

3. The number of the answer marked by the student - relevant to closed questions only.

4. Description - a verbal comment for the question will be displayed, if one was made by the examiner (note that these are not comments added on the check screen, but a description that can be added in the exam structure tab).

5. Comments - those comments that were added to the final grade of the question during the check, if any were added.

6. The grade the student received for the question.

7. The maximum grade for the question as defined in the exam built in the TomaSafe.

8. The number of the answer marked by the student - relevant to closed questions only (note that this is the relative marking to the order of the answer in the original form, see preliminary note for mixed answers).

9. The correct answer in the source form - relevant to closed questions only.

* Please note that the number of columns in the summary table varies from exam to exam (depending on the type of exam and the types of questions it contains).

* * If indicators were used during the check, then a summary page of the indicators will be added to the feedback page.

2. Closed questions

- Relevant in the online exam only- 

If the online exam contains closed questions, the questions will be displayed and the answer marked by the student will be circled:

Please note that the display of answers and questions in a mixed exam will appear in the order in which they appear in the original exam (see preliminary note for mixed questions/answers).

3. Open questions

The questions and answers view includes the grade annotations, comments, markings and highlights added by the examiner: