If a student encounters any camera/microphone issue that is not detected by the interface, the following series of tests should be performed:

  1. Make sure there is no antivirus software blocking the microphone or camera. Organizational or paid antivirus programs may restrict system access to devices (especially McAfee).
  2. During the microphone test, speak loudly and read the text that appears in the example. It is important to speak loudly and clearly.
  3. Verify that the microphone and camera are working properly in Zoom/Skype. You can also perform a test online; there are various websites that offer direct camera and microphone validation in the browser.
  4. Camera connectivity is done through the WebRTC component. You can check compatibility at the following link. If the camera is not detected in this link, there is a high probability that it will not be recognized by the system. In that case, try changing the camera or checking for driver updates (see the following sections).
  5. Make sure in the Windows settings that there are permissions for the application (Vix) to access the camera and microphone. Additional details can be found at the following link.
  6. Check if the camera or device application is up to date. See explanations and recommended actions at the following link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/camera-doesn-t-work-in-windows-32adb016-b29c-a928-0073-53d31da0dad5
  7. Note that drivers for Lenovo computer cameras (in Windows 8) are often no longer supported by the manufacturer.
  8. Ensure that port 433 is not blocked.