Click here for a general explanation of how to add a factor


General Factor

Add or subtract the same score for all students

1. Adding/subtracting points
2. 100% refers to the maximum score defined in the original set of grades. Check, in order to enable a higher final score, or, in the event of a reduction in order to allow for a score reduction for the candidate who received 100%
3. Check in order to round up a final score for an integer (the rounding will be according to the rounding rules used by the institution)

Please note: No score is less than 0

Relative (percent) Factor

1. Please note: enter a number greater than 100% for a positive factor and less than 100% for a negative one
2. Checking the box will allow, if a negative factor is chosen, to reduce the score even for students who originally received 100% of the score

Multiplication by % and Adding points Factor

Using the formula, for example: 75*0.85+17=80.75

Average and Standard Deviation Factor

Determining the desired average and standard deviation, the system will calculate the grades again according to the highlighted formula:

Please note: this factor may reduce high scores

Square root then multiplication by 10 Factor

Left-skewed distribution

The formula for calculation: X*10
X = Grade before Factor

Enter your own Excel Formula Factor

Factor by user-defined Excel formula

You can input an Excel formula (without the '=' sign at the beginning) where the word 'grade' represents the grade variable and within brackets the letter 'q' followed by a number represents a question. For example, '(q1)' represents question 1.

The system allows you to learn how to use formulas:

Define any factor from the existing factors list.

In the "Preview and Save" window, the formula that the system uses to apply the factor will be displayed.

Cancel the factor but remain on the screen and select the Excel formula factor.

The formula of the previous factor will be displayed, allowing you to learn how the system uses formulas for the fixed factors and change them according to your preference.

Example of changing question weight using an Excel formula factor:

If we have already entered grades for all questions and decide to change the maximum grade for a specific question while adjusting the given grades proportionally to the new maximum grade, we can do so using an Excel formula factor.

1. Find the ratio between the new grade and the existing one by dividing the new grade by the old grade.

For example, if question 3 is worth 10 points and we want to change it to 5 points, we divide 5 by 10 and get a ratio of 0.5.

2. In an Excel formula factor, input a formula that sums up the exam's total score without the specific question and adds to this sum the product of the question's grade and the ratio found in step 1.

For example, here's the formula that changes the grading of question 3 proportionally:


Another way to write this formula is to sum up all the exam questions' grades and multiply the ones we want to adjust by the ratio explained in step 1.

For example, in an exam with 5 questions, if we want to change the maximum grade for question 3 from 10 to 5 (ratio is 0.5) and for question 4 from 5 to 10 (ratio is 2), we can use the following formula:


Always make sure to check the preview window - "Preview and Save" - to ensure that the results meet your expectations.