You can now add dedicated website links for specific students without affecting the exam's general whitelist.

The link will only be available to the student it is assigned to.

Steps to add a Dedicated Website Link:

  1. Navigate to the Exam Monitor, and select the Participants tab.
  2. Select a specific student from the list by checking the box next to their name.
  3. Then click Dedicated Whitelist.
  4. A pop-up window will appear for managing the student's dedicated whitelist. Enter the website URL in the field and click the Add button.
  5. After adding the URL, you can choose the lock level for the link:
    • Full Lock: Restricts the student to only access the specified website, blocking all other browsing.
    • Semi Lock: Allows access to the specific domain but restricts navigation to subdomains or unrelated content.
    • No Lock: Grants full access to the website without restrictions.
      (A brief description of each lock level is displayed for reference) 
  6. Once you have chosen the desired lock level, click Confirm. The link will now be available to the student during the exam.

* To remove a link, click the trash icon next to the lock level.

* Once you select a lock level, you can see a brief explanation about each lock level:

What does it look like on the student side? Click here to see.