Important: The following instructions will explain how to update and confirm scores for multiple-choice questions in online and scrambled printed exam only.
If you're exam consists of open-ended questions as well, training materials on open-ended questions can be found here For a guide on handling exceptional markings in scrambled printed exams click here
Exams made up entirely of multiple-choice questions
In this case, there is no need to access the grading screen at all. TomaGrade automatically grades multiple choice question, based on the correct answers and points for each question that has been inputted. Exams made up entirely of multiple choice question will appear as "Checked" along with the final grade for each examinee. Instructors can perform quality control by reviewing relevant statistics and making necessary adjustments if anomalies are detected.
Exams containing open ended questions
If you're exam contains open- ended questions, you will first need to enter the "Grading Screen" by clicking on the "Start Checking" button and grade the open-ended questions before following the other instructions below.
The Reports tab allows you to view various statistics relating to the exam, or even to a single question. (E.g. the Multiple Choice Question report enables you to see relevant statistics for each question by clicking on the specific question column).
Move your cursor over the eye button to view the question and the designated correct answer.
The reports will provide various metrics. Indices to which clarifications were added will have an I icon next to them. Hover with the mouse over the icon to see the relevant information.
Full Analysis reports also provide a verbal analysis, and draw attention to anomalies.
Change correct answers
After going through the reports, changes can be made using the Grades and Factor tab.
(1) Grades and Factors tab (2) General statistics (3) Add Factor (curving grades) (4) Cancel changes - this action will undo all the changes that were made (5) Cancel question (6) Edit scores distribution (7) Question preview (8) edit correct answer (add or change) (9) Answers distribution
In this tab you can:
- View general statistics (top row)
- See detailed answers distribution. For details move your cursor over a specific answer.
Preview the entire test by clicking Preview Master Form at the bottom of the screen
Change correct answer to a question
- You can add a correct answer by checking the box next to another answer
- You can Change the answer by checking another answer and uncheck the previous one
- You can add a partially correct answer by clicking on the "Pencil" button to add a partially correct answer (and update the score for these additional answers). click Save
- Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save your changes and ensure that these changes are in the statistical data.
Cancel a question
Click on the trash icon next to the relevant question. In the "Cancel question" window choose what to do with the score of the canceled question: redistribute it among the other closed questions, or cancel without redistribution
Documentation of changes
Every change we make is documented at the top of the table and can be undo by clicking on the trash icon.
Curve grades (Factor)
Click "Add +" button and the Select Factor Type button will appear. Click to select the desired factor type
An extended explanation of the factors can be found here and here
Once the required changes have been made, you can complete the grading process