Group upload
Uploading exams in a group allows uploading multiple exams at once. This action will duplicate the exam form (online or printed), instructions, and appendices for each group of exams.
The grouping is done automatically according to your institution's settings.
Every exam in the window that appears with a padlock beside it will be included in that group. You can remove it by clicking on the padlock.
- Group uploading is only available according to the institution's settings.
- Group uploading does not merge the exam records, but only allows a single submission for a cluster of exams.
- The exams will be kept as separate records and will be managed separately in the following processes (such as supervision in online exams or production in printed exams, as well as in the stages of reviewing and gradings).
The "Share" action allows the instructor to give permission to other faculty members to perform the upload and submission process for their exam.
- You should share the exam only at the beginning of the upload process- sharing does not work retroactively
- This option is only available according to the institution's settings.
- Sharing exams does not allow joint work during the exam preparation phase (building or editing in the online editor)
To share an exam:
- Select the exam (lock it by clicking on the padlock icon)
- From the "Activity" menu select "Share exam"
- If there is a setting for exams grouping (see the section above), the multi-action window will pop up (enabling you to share multiple exams at once)
- In the sharing window search and select the colleagues you want to share the exam with