ℹ️ File response is only possible in online exams!

If your exam included file-based questions (such as Excel or coding questions), the student's responses are uploaded to the system as separate files for each student and each question.

You can download the files in two ways:

  • Downloading a single file
  • Downloading all student files at once

Downloading a single file

In the Grading Screen, you can download the file from the student's exam notebook.

Click on the 3 dots next to the relevant question and then on "Files":

In the pop-up window, select the checkbox and then click "Download File":

The file will be downloaded to your local computer and can be opened with the software relevant to the file type.

Please note! Any change or comment will only be saved to the local file only.

If you want to re-upload the file with the changes you made, use the "Add Attachment" button available from the 3 dots menu.

In any case, the final grade must be given using the grading tool in the TomaGrade system.

Downloading all student files at once

On the main screen:

  1. Select the examinees from whom you want to download the files

  2. Click on the "More" menu

  3. Select "Download submissions attachments"

(You can select multiple examinees at once)

After clicking, the download will start in the background.

When the files are ready, a red mark will appear next to the bell button.

To download them:

  1. Click on the bell button

  2. Click "Download"

(Files you have not yet downloaded will be marked in red)

File download structure

The file is downloaded as a ZIP file that must be extracted.

Each file is located under the folder of the question number to which it is assigned. The question folder is located under the student folder.

(If you download files from several students at once, the ZIP will contain student folders, under which are the question folders, and inside them are the files)